Property Donations

The Jefferson County Land Bank welcomes donations of properties under the following conditions:

  • Where a productive end use can be determined for the property.

  • Where the donation directly supports a strategic objective of the Land Bank in a targeted area of current interest to the Land Bank.

  • Where real estate taxes are paid in full at the time of the donation, unless the property is eligible for a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure.

  • Where there are no open code violations or environmental hazards unless the Land Bank determines that demolition of a structure is necessary and funding is available.

  • Where the property is truly vacated and all personal items, furniture, vehicles, etc. have been removed.

  • Where the projected costs of demolition (if required) is within the Land Bank’s budget and eligible and approved for reimbursement.

The Land Bank requests a recent title search of the property to prove ownership and that the property is free of liens and encumbrances. If a recent title search is not available, the Land Bank will perform the work at a charge of $300.

The Jefferson County Land Bank Reserves the Right to Decline Any Donations at Any Time

Remember that a donation implies a free transfer of something of value. The Land Bank will not be “dumped on” by individuals or organizations that are attempting to avoid their responsibilities by unloading properties that they no longer want or owe an obligation on. The Land Bank Administration conducts a thorough review of each donation request before presentation to the Land Bank Board.

Interested donors are requested to fill out the Property Donation Application form and mail to the Land Bank the completed Application and a check for $200 made out to the JEFFERSON COUNTY LAND REUTILIZATION CORPORATION.